dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2019


Hello! My name's is Paula and i'm from Catalonia, a city in the south of Balaguer. I'm thirteen years oold and my birthday is in Januariy. I study English at school and I would like an e-friend to help me to read English.
I get up early every day and go for a walk with my Mom.  After school, I go home to have lunch. After that I do my homework, Then I go to an English language school. i go to bed at twelve o'clock.
I love watching videos. I also like computer games. Then I go with my friend to the park. I go shopping on saturday

Resultat d'imatges per a "imagen de una persona viendo peliculas en el ordenador""


CREDITS 1. What is the title of the film? high school music 2. Who is the director? kenny ortega 3. Who is the scre...